Where It Starts

Estimated read time 3 min read

Hello everyone, and welcome to my story.

Much has been said about the mystical metaphor of the ‘Story’. Something about the idea resonates with everyone, across both cultures and languages. From our elders sharing their great life experiences to the nonsensical jokes of toddlers, Story is part of the human soul. Why is that? What calls from the depths of our soul to experience tales whether it be fact or fiction? What makes the stoic listen and the uninhibited ramble?
There is an answer to those questions, as I believe there is an answer to every question. If you have come to this place then part of you cares about my stories, or at least my ideas on them. Maybe you know me. Maybe something today drew your eye and led you here. However you have come, you are now a part of my story, and I would love it if we could make it a good one. 
My name is Phillip J. Benjamin, and I have always cared about creating things. It hasn’t mattered if it was art or craft, poetry or prose, tangible or ephemeral. My ADHD mind might have been worthless for keeping up with my studies, but I can, and have, lost entire days to my creative pursuits. Thus far my adult life has been dedicated to the culinary industry as a way to fulfill this deep longing. I can not say I’ve always succeeded in the quality of my works, but I can say I have always sought them with a near-manic tenacity. Yet it is not for my food you have come, but to see the fruit of my calling.
My path to becoming a writer has taken years. Its genesis is found in a fateful talk with God as I wandered the Seattle streets at one in the morning over a decade ago. Perhaps I will share that story one day, but for now, let us visit its effect. My Blog and novels, and my narrative universe “The Firmament” has been a consuming passion of mine since a dream I had while vacationing with my wife’s family in Oregon. I’m afraid I was rather rude to them the following day, ignoring all social engagement to write furiously. Even as my lovely Grand-in-laws were taking us about the coastal towns my mind was fully consumed. The specifics of the dream I do not remember clearly anymore, but I won’t ever forget the look on my face when I stared into the Khata’s eyes. But more on that later. Suffice it to say, that one dream began a new part of my life that has led me to pursue my deepest dream, one which has transformed from mere passion to a ‘calling’ in truth. I hope you enjoy your time on my website, and I encourage you to start with my Cosmology Articles to see the depth of the Firmament’s foundations.

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